It is becoming burden by the pending cases and also with the increasing pending cases. The supreme court judge Justice KG Balakrishnan has felt very much on this issue and he consider it as the pending cases are increasing more than the present crime.

He also said that it requires more than 15,000 courts and it requies more 10,000 courts interview given by the Balakrishnan to the media. H also said we have nearly 15,000 courts at present and among these 13,800 courts have full-fledged facilities.

He considered this issue has it is becoming more pending cases more than the crime rate in the country and he also felt very much about this issue. He also said that our society should get the better law and they should be as fast as computers speed.

The government has to be mainly concentrate on to decrease the burden to the main court and it should be decided to solve the problems related to government issues and it has been decided that Uttar Pradesh one main issue has been transferred to the Allahabad High Court.



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