Obama promised that I Obama will be like the protection of America's constituency and for that I will use my presidency for this promise by the Obama made crores of people became happy in their full heart.

It is world's biggest human gathering of nearly 20 lakhs people of very cold temperature and with the blessings of crores of people Barack Obama has became 44th President of America and he is the first black person who became the president of America and made a History.

The Obama's main speech is on world market that how it is facing problems and he gave the confidence that we will definitely overcome the problem said by the Obama to America.

He gave speech around 20 minutes and the American people has felt the difference about the difference in society and he also give the confidence that America is not a weak country by the different religions in our country. He said that Christians, Muslims, Hindus and other religions they are all forms America as a strong country.

In Americas society Hindus around 11 lacks people has became one single power and that itself shows that how much Indians have grown. And he also said that for every country there will be some other religions will play a role for the construction of the country.



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