Satyam computers former chairman Ramalinga Raju earlier it was said that he did not did any scam but in the CID investigation every thing is coming up one by one. Now it has been proved that Ramalinga Raju in the name of others he has scammed about 3500 acres of land which was confirmed by CID.

After resignation by Ramalinga Raju it should be proved that whether the money which was not there has been showed or the money is used to by some other reasons has to be proved now and all are thinking about this.

The CID is mainly suspecting on Ramalinga Raju's son maintaining Mytas company has turnedthe money to his company before they did not opened their mouth later it has been approved that the money is returned.

The CID present recognized 3500 acres illegal land and they are still investigating to get the more information whether still there is other lands existing.



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