There are lot of sites which are providing bidding.If the cos of the article may be 20,000/- rupees it may get it only for 5000/- rupees.If the laptop cost is 15000/- rupees it may get even for 4000/- Rs only. The MRP may be anything but we may get 60% discount. In some cases the cost of an article may be above MRP cost these are all depends on the bidding. In India the bidding websites have increased a lot and lot of people are using these websites.


              The trend of bidding was early started in foreign countries after that the trend came to India also and day by day the using of these sites are increasing a lot and reason for increasing the bidding is the latest trends in shopping and the shopping malls have changed their trends. The malls have increased thir trends from the past decade and they provides lot of sites to which provides free registration to access and participate


             The websites are of two types,First the website owners only keep the articles in bidding for sale. Second, the companies also can keep their goods for bidding and if we search in a google we can get lot of sites like spicybids dot com, bidfree dot in, bid2bag dot com, bid2india dot com, bidjeeto dot com, nilamihouse dot this lot of sites are available. After login the site you can bid upon your favorite one . If aybody bids more than you then your bid will cancel and if you want only that item then you have to bid again with more cost. The results of bid will sent through your mail. Most of the websites will keep electronic goods and based on the demand of the sites the site keeps on different different items.


         The main advantage is we can bid from the house itself as the bidding process is known to India from past. In this process the cost of the article may get even more cost than MRP. There are lot of sites which we can free register and participate starting from electronic goods lot of goods are available for bidding.

Bidding on Travelling  (bid2travel dot com)

        In this site we can get some travelling packages. In this site nearly 2,500 hotel packages are kept in bidding not only this the hotels are declaring the facilities what they are providing to the customers before itself and mainly the bids are coming mostly at weekends and now air tickets are also came for bidding and nearly 20% to 60% of discounts we can get on air tickets.

       Before participating on bidding we have to remember some points and every website based  upon some conditions the bidding continues like that if the bid has won by somebody there is no chance to him to cancel the bid and you cannot get the money back and should remeber that the bidding should not be for fun, the bidding should be if we really requires.                   



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