Sushmita Sen as a main role which the shooting is going on film "Dulha Milgaya" which is produced by her boyfriend Vivek Vaswani.He has friendship with Sharukh Khan.for this friendship the Shahrukh Khan has agreed to do a special role in his film.

The only thing remaining is to do some scenes on Shahrukh Khan.It has became popular that Shahrukh Khan is going to act in the film but he is delaying and postporning today and tomorrow like that and we even don't know that he will come or not.

The producer is becoming tense with this issue as the film is getting delayed and at before year also there was no film made by Sushmitaa Sen and she is trying to show her talent with this single film. So because of this Sushmitha Sen is very much sad with Shahrukh Khan.



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